To broaden the appeal of navigation sports while utilizing new terrain, SDO will be hosting an informal, experimental new race format on a newly created map in Carmel Valley. The inaugural SDO mini Adventure Race will enable both bikers and runners to challenge their navigation and fitness, while exploring new corners of our beautiful city.
Location: Gonzalez Canyon (city map)
Date: Sunday, October 8th, 2023
Starts: Bikers will have a mass-start at 9am. Runners will have a mass start at 9:30am.
Format: Adventure Race
Event Director: Mark Prior
Course Setter: Mark Prior
Sportident Timing: Stan Watson
Snacks: Chris Day
Course Vetter: Chelsea McBride
Map: A newly-created 10k:1, 5m contour orienteering map of Gonzalez Canyon and environs, mapped to IOF MBTO 2022 standards.
Courses: This event will offer a single, score-style, course consisting of approximately 10 checkpoints that can be visited in any order. We will be offering both a "foot" (running) and bike category on the same course.
Scoring: Standard Sportident electronic punching will be offered, including use of an estick. All checkpoints are optional and will be worth 1 point, for a maximum of 10. Racers who visit the same amount of checkpoints will be ranked according to finish time.
Time Limits: The time limit for both courses is 90 minutes. Anyone returning after 90 minutes will receive a one point penalty for every minute (or part of a minute) late.
Registration: All participants must pre-register. Registration will close at 10pm on Thursday, Oct 5th. All standard SDO fees and registration policies apply.
Racer Cap: This event is limited to 25 people in each category
Clinics: Introductory clinics will be offered at 8:45am (bike focus) and 9:15am (foot focus).
Bikes: Any bike is permitted, but we recommend a mountain bike with suspension and 2.2-2.4in tires. You are not required to remain with your bike during the competition, but it must accompany you at the start and finish line.
Awards: Any foot competitor who beats everyone in the bike category will receive the coveted "I Beat Bikes" award and be featured prominently in the results!
Safety: You must share the trails with other participants and users. Safe trail etiquette will be paramount. Bike must utilize a bell or whistle at all blind corners.
This is a physically challenging event, inappropriate for most children, families, or casual walkers.
Bikers must be prepared to ride on narrow, steep singletrack trails with some hike-a-bike.
While route choice will be critical, this course will not test your advanced technical orienteering skills.
Course Notes: Download
See who is registered.
Questions? Check out our registration FAQ, then email us at
Directions & Parking
Event HQ will be at the Sword Ave entrance to Gonzalez Canyon.
32.96639804212257, -117.21456072475544
This is best accessed by car from Del Mar Heights Rd off the 5. There is plentiful free parking on the surrounding streets. Cyclists from the south should opt for the 56 bike path, crossing north on Carmel Country Rd.
The closest public transport is the Blue Line to UCSD and/or the 101 Coastal bus through Del Mar.